Download LinkedHelper 2.0

GIF du processus d'installation
Run next commands into the terminal to install linked-helper: sudo sh -c 'echo "deb "" binary/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linked-helper.list' wget -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install linked-helper Run next commands into the terminal to update linked-helper: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade linked-helper Or you can download it directly LH for Ubuntu Knowing Issues:
  • To download automatic update, you need to provide root password several times for authentication.
  • 'Something went wrong' error occurs during the update installation. For the installed update to be applied, you need to restart Launcher and all Instances manually.
  • We do not recommend minimizing program windows to avoid potential issues. Automation works without problems in the background.
  • During campaign execution, it's better to avoid switching between the "LinkedIn" menu and any other, as this may potentially fail the currently running campaign action.
  • We do not recommend using Ubuntu because of the unstable graphical interface. For working with multiple accounts, it is better to use Windows server.

Minimal requirements

Operating system

  • Windows:

    Windows: x64 (64-bit only), Windows 7 or higher

    Windows 7, Windows 2008: must have these updates:

    • The latest KB4457144, with additional fixes including KB2533623, can be downloaded from Microsoft.
    • September 11, 2018—KB4457144 (Monthly Rollup) can be downloaded from here

    .NET framework version must be 4.5 - 4.7.2 - Microsoft Help - check your .NET version number

    For Windows OS higher than Windows 7 and Windows 2008 - Windows 10, Windows 2010, Windows 2016: just make sure that all latest updates are installed

  • MacOs:

    MacOs: macOS 10.13.3 (High Sierra) or higher (64-bit only)

  • Ubuntu:

    Ubuntu: x64 (64-bit only), 12.04 or higher, GUI must be installed

Number of LinkedIn accounts

  • RAM: 2.5 Gb free RAM
  • CPU: 0.5 - 1 free real CPU core
  • HDD: 4 Gb free disk space (in Windows, Linked Helper stores files on disk "C" only)
  • RAM: 0.5 + 2N Gb free RAM
  • CPU: from 0.5N to 1N free real CPU cores
  • HDD: 2 + 2N Gb free disk space (in Windows, Linked Helper stores files on disk "C" only)