How to buy bulk LinkedIn accounts fast and automatically grow them

How to buy bulk LinkedIn accounts fast and automatically

LinkedIn in 2022 is a striking platform for business – 722 million members in top industries use this site to promote services and get sales. Often the creation and promotion of accounts can take a long time.

Therefore, businesses that are focused on generating leads and finding customers are interested in how they can buy old LinkedIn accounts with connections. In this way, they acquire profiles of real people for their company through which they can conduct a dialogue with customers, investors, or partners.

Linked Helper is a secure automator where you can connect fresh accounts to increase activity without manual work.

  • By buying accounts from a trusted seller, you can promote them faster, increase the number of connections, and start your outreach through Linked Helper sooner. There may be risks in the purchase and it is possible that not all accounts will pass the LinkedIn verification. You will learn about the real experience of buying profiles below.
  • You can create your own account(s) to then sell a LinkedIn account. For this, we have also prepared instructions. Account warm-up can include up to 150 actions per day, which is an ideal task for automation. Then you can expose such profiles for sales or use them for marketing activities. The new accounts you create should be warmed up slowly, starting with 10 actions per day. Increase activity by 5 – 7 actions every 1-2 weeks.

Aged LinkedIn accounts for sale are in high demand, especially if they have subscribers in a narrow niche.

buy old LinkedIn accounts packages

Real case: buy bulk LinkedIn accounts & use Linked Helper

When you buy LinkedIn accounts online, we advise you to immediately recruit an active and real audience. This way the accounts will more likely benefit you. If you are tempted to buy LinkedIn page followers, then remember that most likely it will be bots. Can you sell to bots or find leads through them?

Therefore, you can use the strategy that we tested:

Make a small purchase as a test from a trusted seller. For example, for the first batch we tried to buy 50 accounts. This experiment was positive – all profiles were with actual full name and email ( not Gmail).

Profiles were not empty: 50–100 connections (most likely fakes) were added there.

  • Now it is worth preparing the LinkedIn account after you buy it for real sales. Complete all the profiles sections. You can read about the best sales account ideas.
  • Next, you should turn to the activities through the Linked Helper. This includes auto-likes and comments to target groups and mass mailing of invites. In the software, you can send invites bypassing the social network’s restrictions and reach up to 700 invites instead of the allowed 100. This will greatly speed up the development of your account. For safety, we started with 30 activities per day and increased them to 50.

As a result of such a campaign, only two accounts did not pass LinkedIn verification and ended up in a ban.

Potential problem:

The second purchase from the same seller may be less successful. Names and surnames and emails may not look like human ones. LinkedIn bans almost all such profiles.

Note: 90–95% of banned accounts can be unlocked by providing ID.

You can find photos of identification documents on the internet or use photos of your own IDs – by changing a couple of characters in the first and/or last name, you can create new accounts for these documents. Verification is successful and accounts work without problems.

Alternatively, you can create your own profiles to maximize the reach of your business.

Instruction if you want to create (not buy) a LinkedIn account and sell it:

  • In advance, buy a proxy IP address in the country where the fake LinkedIn account will supposedly be based.
  • Create an email under this account. Some mail services allow you to quickly make an additional address without unnecessary registration.
  • In Chrome, create a new instance in advance according to the instructions. Install the proxy extension (the proxy will only work for this instance). Enter the proxy settings for the LI account and enable it.
  • In an instance with the proxy enabled, open LinkedIn and create an account. Then open the mail and follow the link to confirm the mail.
  • Fill in your account (within a couple of days): add a unique photo, name, background photo, work experience, About section, skills, education, languages. Subscribe to various companies, famous people, join groups.
  • After filling in the account in 5–10 days, start activities. It can be scrolling the news feed (3–7 minutes a day), comments, likes, following people. Invite several profiles per day from the Alumni and People you may know sections.
  • Add LinkedIn accounts to Linked Helper and start warming up more. For example, add 5 people a day, increasing by 1–2 every 2–3 days. This must be done carefully so that people do not indicate that they don’t know you.

IMPORTANT: It’s best not to use your LinkedIn account from multiple devices at the same time.

IMPORTANT: Switch to other profiles only through the LinkedIn page; do not open links in a new tab.

When should I buy aged LinkedIn accounts?

buy aged LinkedIn accounts

The age of the account cannot directly indicate that it is verified. The account can be verified by passport/driving license / ID card. But usually, a lot of activities cannot be performed on a new profile, as this will cause the algorithm to suspect it. A good age for a “mature” account is at least one year old.

However, even accounts that are a year old can be subject to restrictions. Therefore, it is also better to warm them up by gradually increasing daily activity.

More often, such profiles will already have views, connections, and even subscribers upon purchase. For a business, buying a profile with a reputation will make it easier to promote. After all, such an account can most often be immediately entrusted to the automation system for promotion.

More often than not, older profiles sell for more than newly created accounts due to the fact that they can be promoted faster and used to their full potential.

Can I buy verified LinkedIn accounts? 

Most often, such accounts will have a verified email, phone number, and documents. You can find such accounts and buy them. They will cost more, but perhaps the verification steps may take you time and effort. Therefore, this option is chosen by those who do not want to manually verify the authenticity of the account, search for documents, and the like.

It is not always possible to purchase high-quality profiles and get security. There are many sellers on the market, so you must be vigilant and be prepared that not all accounts from the order can be approved.

Is it possible to buy a hacked LinkedIn account? 

Sometimes it can be unclear why people buy such accounts. But this may be the only way out if hackers got to your account. And now you can try to reclaim it through sellers. Employees of such services can help return your profile and all the valuable data in it. After all, it can represent years of doing business, hundreds of customers and reviews.

In this case, do not rush to create a new account, because it can take months to restore connections. 

What are LinkedIn PVA accounts? 

LinkedIn PVA accounts

This abbreviation stands for “phone verified accounts.” When creating a profile, LinkedIn may request a code that is delivered to the telephone number.

In order not to waste time creating such an account, you can buy these ready-made bulk profiles. Accounts verified in this way can provide more opportunities on the social network.

Also, this type of account is preferred by those who don’t want to leave a real phone number online to avoid data leakage. With two-factor authentication through a phone number, this contact will not be listed on your page as a contact method. 

By making PVA profiles yourself, you can receive the code through a virtual phone number.

What are some sites to buy LinkedIn accounts? 

There are many platforms for such transactions.


sites to buy LinkedIn accounts

The price for a package of profiles starts from $90. This is how much 10 profiles will cost, but they will be created recently, which will require patience and time for slow promotion by you.

If you want to purchase 10 verified but not new profiles (from 1 year), then the price will be $235. A maximum of 20 such accounts can be ordered on this site. Your order will be delivered within 24 hours.

ACC Farm 

sites to buy LinkedIn accounts

This is a multi-seller that allows you to buy profiles and online services. They offer options to buy an account with and without followers. The most expensive option for 7 profiles with 100-300+ connections will cost $99.99. Unfortunately, these profiles will not be verified by phone number. But they will already be filled with content. However, you may want to change it.

Profiles can be selected from the country of registration of the individual entrepreneur. It is possible choose USA, Germany, or a mixed package.

The advantage of this site is instant delivery.

Buy social pack


to get tips you are interested in

On this site you can buy accounts and contact the seller via Skype before buying. Contacts are left on the page, which causes more confidence in the transaction. The most expensive option of 50 profiles (from 1 to more than 10 years from the creation date) with 500+ connections will cost you $1,699.

You can also buy one account – the price starts from $25. You can choose the gender of the account. You will receive your package within 24 hours of purchase.

All in all: should you buy a LinkedIn aged account or create a new one? 

Perhaps buying a profile that has long been registered in the system will help you start activities with less risk. At the same time, such an account will not be relevant for your business and you will need time to adapt it to your needs – lead generation or marketing.

Even if you buy an account with a developed network, these people may not be relevant to promote your services. You will also have to work on creating new content. That is, buying a profile will not save you from additional work on setting it up for your needs.

Therefore, a necessary condition for the justification of buying accounts is to promote it to a narrow niche. Automation can help you with this. Some time after purchasing a profile, you can connect it to Linked Helper. The trial version of the software is available for 14 days free of charge.

Automation will also help you if you are creating accounts for yourself or for sale. Linked Helper can grow your account network 7 times faster than you would do it by hand. This task is achieved thanks to working through an “undocumented” LinkedIn feature and importing emails and legal URLs to target profiles. 

When developing a network through the undocumented feature, you can also attach a custom message to the invite to reduce the risk that the person will click on the option that they don’t know you. Such refusals to accept an invite may negatively affect your rating and the algorithm may suspect that this is not a real person’s profile.

Therefore, if you create a new account or connect a purchased profile to automation, you can start generating leads more efficiently. By connecting accounts to Linked Helper, you can collect an email database through the scraper. The tool can generate an email database not only for 1st degree connections, but can also search for emails of your 2nd and 3rd degree connections. 

Subscribing to Linked Helper will give you access to the Email Finder feature. This is an internal database of emails collected from all users of the service. That is, all those who agree to the terms of service share emails of their 1st degree contacts in the database, and for you some of these will be a 2nd or 3rd degree connection. The Email Finder will capture their emails for you. 

When buying or creating fake accounts for a business, you must evaluate all the risks and make the profile as profitable as possible for social selling.

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About the author

  • Margarita Servar

    Margarita is a Content Manager and author at the Linked Helper blog, dedicated to providing practical and useful material. She conducts research and tests automation tools, drawing on practical experiences and interviews with LinkedIn marketing experts.

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10 months back

This post provides detailed insights into the process of buying bulk LinkedIn accounts and leveraging automation tools like Linked Helper for marketing purposes. It’s interesting to see the strategies outlined here, from testing purchased accounts to maximizing account activity while avoiding LinkedIn’s restrictions. The mention of potential issues, such as account bans and the need for verification, adds a layer of realism to the discussion. Overall, it offers valuable guidance for those considering such approaches in their LinkedIn marketing efforts.