Boosting LinkedIn Posts: How to Increase Impressions and Engagement

Let’s delve into the world of social media analytics, where the pulse of your content is measured by something called the engagement rate.  For every post, or the entirety of your content (think of your profile as a whole), this metric can be a game-changer. It essentially reflects the relationship between your overall audience or …

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Boosting LinkedIn Posts: How to Increase Impressions and Engagement

Linked Helper vs. Zopto 2024: Which Is the Best LinkedIn Tool?

Zopto is considered one of the top LinkedIn automation tools, but you may be already exploring alternatives. To write this article, we subscribed to the Zopto app for a month to conduct thorough testing.  Zopto is a standout web-based tool, ensuring your campaigns run smoothly even when your computer is turned off. However, an alternative …

Linked Helper vs. Zopto 2024: Which Is the Best LinkedIn Tool? Read More »

Linked Helper vs. Zopto: LinkedIn automation tools comparison

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2024’s Best LinkedIn Analytics Tools with Use Cases and Pro Tips

LinkedIn has over 1 billion members right now, so standing out is pretty tough.  To do it right, you need a good strategy. Nah. A killing strategy. And for this, you need reports from analytics tools. As the saying goes, “What is not measured can’t be improved.” But, not all LinkedIn analytics tools are good. …

2024’s Best LinkedIn Analytics Tools with Use Cases and Pro Tips Read More »

LinkedIn analytics tools featured image

Bad LinkedIn Extensions List: How to Avoid an Automation Warning

In this article, we will guide you on becoming an expert in how LinkedIn deals with extensions and dispel the myth that automation extensions can be entirely safe. Chrome extensions are widely used by LinkedIn users to enhance their platform interaction, offering efficiency and task automation within LinkedIn. But even an innocent LinkedIn email finder …

Bad LinkedIn Extensions List: How to Avoid an Automation Warning Read More »


How to add an outbound link to a LinkedIn post

Enhancing your LinkedIn posts with hyperlinks enriches the interactive experience for your readers, offering them a pathway to explore beyond the confines of the post. In this piece, we will delve into the art of seamlessly integrating outbound links in productive ways.  Find out our secret tip to add a website link to a LinkedIn …

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Best ways to add an outbound link to a LinkedIn post

Linked Helper vs. We-Connect 2024: Which Is the Best LinkedIn Tool?

We-Connect is among the top 5 LinkedIn automation tools and is widely used for outreach tasks. Its interface is user-friendly and bears some resemblance to one of the We-Connect alternatives, Linked Helper. We-Connect offers a 14-day free trial without any limitations or the need to provide credit card details. During this trial period, users can …

Linked Helper vs. We-Connect 2024: Which Is the Best LinkedIn Tool? Read More »

Linked Helper vs. We-Connect 2023: Which Is the Best LinkedIn Tool?