Best LinkedIn automation bot to send mass messages & grow your network

If you spend hours of work promoting on LinkedIn, then you may not know about the existence of bots. If automation doesn’t inspire confidence in you, then you should try Linked Helper, a browser-based tool that helps automate all your activities on the social network. It offers enhanced security, unlike extension-based or cloud-based LinkedIn bots you might discover on Reddit.

You can try 31 features of this LinkedIn bot free for 14 days.

LinkedIn bot
  • Automatic engagement. Searching for leads in this social network is unthinkable without regular likes, comments, and visits to profiles. This free LinkedIn bot can boost your profile views organically through the Visit & Extract action, and the Like & Comment action. At the same time, unlike visiting profiles yourself, when the bot visits them it will copy contact information and all data from the profile, and you can download it as a file.
  • LinkedIn messenger bot. The bot can organize targeted mailing on your behalf while personalizing each one. That is, replacement strings will substitute name, position, and industry in the messages. The bot will chat for you like a real person, observing natural pauses.
  • Auto-invite requests. You can send invites to hundreds of people or more at once, accompanying them with a welcome message through the bot. You don’t have to manually go to each of your leads’ profiles to click the button. In addition, through the bot, you can bypass the invite limit if you send invites via email import.

In Linked Helper, you can set up auto-interactions and messages by targeting different sources. For example, these can be 2nd and 3rd degree connections from the keyword search page, event or webinar participants, group members, or lead lists from Sales Navigator.

In addition to automating all tasks, you can parse important business data in no time – emails and contact details, everything that users indicate on their profile pages, and the history of your correspondence through the bot.

The data about your leads will be systematized in a single CRM with leads from LinkedIn & bot. You can also leave custom notes after performing automatic actions.

Linked Helper automation will help you expand your business network, and manage your brand image on the social network without hiring a specialist for these tasks. The bot is able to imitate the work of a person, so no one gets tired of performing routine tasks.

LinkedIn bot – send auto message to 10X more users

Linked Helper is an assistant who can write a personalized message in any important situation. This is how the template builder is equipped with variable strings.

LinkedIn InMail templates

What kinds of messages can you entrust to the robot?

  • Messages to the participants of an event

Even if you held an event and not all participants belong to your professional network, the robot can write messages to them. This is very convenient for sending follow-ups after the event and inviting already interested people to another event. You can learn more about setting up this function in the knowledge base.


to get tips you are interested in

  • Messages when sending an invite

When you automatically invite new people to your network, you can attach a message. Also, if you have an active LinkedIn Premium plan, you will have access to InMail mass mailings within the limits of the social network. It’s not always worth rushing to write a message when you invite, especially since you shouldn’t promote your product directly in this way – it may come across as an aggressive sale. Also, consider not spreading links in this way, the social network algorithm does not favor it.

LinkedIn follower bot

You can schedule such a message right away in the Template builder with the auto-action ”Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts.”

  • Mass mailing to your contacts

You can reach out to all contacts at once, instead of going to each one and copying messages. If you have even a few hundred contacts, you would spend a lot of time on this.

In the first message right after people have accepted your invitation request, try to be casual and don’t sell from the first lines. Show interest in a person, pay a compliment – they must understand that you are a living person and do not seek to impose your product on them.

20 sales message ideas you can explore in our article.

The key to auto-messaging leads in 2022 is personalization and a targeted approach. Therefore, make different pitches for each segment of the target audience. And add personal replacement strings to the automated bot template.

You can find detailed tips on mass mailing via the LinkedIn message bot in the knowledge base.

  • Auto-messages to members of thematic groups

Group marketing is an effective way to connect with leads. Therefore, marketers often want to associate with active audience groups. Do it manually for a long time and your post in the group may not be noticed. Therefore, auto outreach to all participants is an important tool from Linked Helper. All the possibilities of this bot action are covered in the article.

LinkedIn connection bot – expand your network without manual work

Automatic mailing of invites through a bot will open up an opportunity for you to expand your network of contacts 10 times faster.

In addition, the bot’s “invite via email” action will allow you to invite more users than allowed by the rules. Just import a file with the emails of target users into the system. If you can officially invite 100 people weekly, then automation will help you increase the number by 7 times.

The undocumented feature is a workaround for extending the invite limit that we developed in Linked Helper. It allows the software to continue receiving messages if you enable this feature in the action setting. At the same time, you can send an invite with a custom message enabled.

To make invites through email import, the software will need lead emails. They can also be obtained from Linked Helper – through the internal LH email finder database or through

The bot optimizes work with leads because:

  • You can automatically use a personal message when connecting with the target leads.
  • The bot can accept incoming connection requests for you to show that you are active on the social network.
  • When visiting profiles, the robot can parse emails that you can use to increase the number of invitations.

Email parsing is available in several ways in the bot – through an internal database (Email Finder function) and through integration with the bulk email platform.

LinkedIn follower bot – grow reach and followers

If you want to increase the number of subscribers on a personal or business account, then Linked Helper will help you.

There is a follow/unfollow function for this.

LinkedIn follower bot

You just need to add target users to the Queue line and the bot will subscribe to them from your profile. This will help you stay up to date with user updates – all their posts will show up in your feed. In this case, the person will not become your contact, but you will draw their attention to your account. When they get followed, users receive a notification and your photo will appear in the section in their account. This can help you get their attention before sending an invite request.

In addition, in Linked Helper you can invite users to follow your pages. For example, you can encourage them to follow a company page, invite them to events, or join a group. This will help the growth of subscribers without your involvement.

By automating your marketing through bots on LinkedIn, you can be sure that your profile’s organic views will grow, as will sales as a result. Because people are always interested in who visits them, who likes their content, and who follows them. This can be the key to network growth and your brand’s online success.

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I need someone from tech support to help me how to use and implement.