Lead generation: LinkedIn marketing for tech companies

LinkedIn Digital Marketing for Technology Companies

LinkedIn advertising and customer discovery can be one of the top digital channels for a tech company. However, according to statistics on those industries from LinkedIn, 70% of marketers (also in B2B marketing) face difficulty in bringing a client to a sale, even if they managed to attract their attention. That is, you can receive likes, reposts, and registrations, but the audience may end up closing few deals.

In this article, we uncover how you can use this platform to target leads and turn your communication leads to conversions. It will be easier to do this if you have Linked Helper at hand – a software tool that will help you build long-term communication with leads. This will help your sales, event promotion, and brand image.

Also, studies of customer behavior in the tech industry show that these customers often want to remain anonymous. That means a strategy that worked before – distributing content in exchange for contacts – may not do as well in 2023. Only 25% of customers share data about themselves, which may not be enough. You definitely need the other 75%!

But in Linked Helper, you can implement a fundamentally new lead generation scheme that will be based on warm communication (without calls) and not require customers to fill out forms. A lead generation campaign can take on an active form, unlike LinkedIn advertising, but at the same time not be intimidating like the more aggressive sales outreach that you might implement through emails and calls. Within 2 weeks of the Linked Helper trial period you will be able to:

  • Analyze your niche and competitors.
  • Get a database of leads, including their contacts.
  • Set up a lead generation funnel.
  • Get replies from clients and manage them in CRM.
  • Estimate the effect of your current strategy.

Digital marketing for technology companies with Linked Helper

A growth strategy through software can be something you use alongside the classic ad format. You can check through your own experience which way finds a client faster – by launching a series of banners or by organizing an active auto-drip campaign.

Trust in a real person’s account and trust in advertising are very different in 2023. Working through a drip campaign and a real person’s account (maybe your employee, yourself, or a fictional person) you will inspire more trust than an impersonal banner. The main thing is to act gradually and not to overwhelm leads immediately with cold InMails – that’s a way to quickly get marked as spam by a lot of people or even get a ban from the social network.

At Linked Helper, we teach you how to work ethically and effectively without breaking the rules and personal boundaries of your clients in the digital space.

What is LinkedIn marketing automation?

This is a tool worth working with on LinkedIn if you use it for business or marketing. In fact, this is a third-party service that you connect to your account. Linked Helper is a standalone browser-based program that you download to your PC. Unlike tools that work through browser extensions or through sending API requests to LinkedIn (cloud solutions), this is the most reliable type of automation. You can find out the reasons and a detailed analysis of each type of software in our article.

Such software is needed to perform routine tasks with a large number of people or profiles, collect data about them, and store a customer database in one place. That is, while you can search for clients manually, it is likely that if your sample is several thousand people, it will be extremely difficult to put together a mailing list. To save time on clicking the same buttons, writing similar posts, and engaging the audience through likes, you can use Linked Helper automation.

Feature for LinkedIn competitor analysis

In Linked Helper, you can use the Visit and Extract feature to help you do a SWOT analysis. After all, all the data about your market and competitors, links to their sites as well as profile descriptions, is there on LinkedIn. You can start a campaign for collecting information about organizations, the essence of which is the scraping of data from the pages of companies.

​​download LinkedIn contacts     
  • Download the Linked Helper free trial for 14 days.
  • Start a “Visit and Extract” Campaign by Competitors.
  • Choose a niche and parameters in LinkedIn for search.
  • After a few minutes of parsing, the list of organizations will be available in the CRM. To visit hundreds of company pages, the software will open each one individually to copy all the data. This may take 1-2 hours.
  • Download the CSV file and open it in Excel if needed. (Read the instructions on how to do it easily.)

Having a ready-made selection of competitors with descriptions, mission statements, website links, and information about their staff, you can more effectively form your strategy to set yourself apart from competitors.

Boost technology lead generation with scraping for a full email database

In addition to collecting market data, you can learn everything about your customers through Linked Helper scraping. This is especially valuable because you will receive extended data, including even those emails that are not listed in the profiles and from accounts that are your 2nd and 3rd degree connections. 

Advantages of the Linked Helper parser for B2B & technology lead mining:

  • You will get more emails thanks to Linked Helper’s Email Finder and the third-party integration Snov.io. The first way is unique among all parsers and works by searching the database of all consenting users of Linked Helper. That is, the emails of those who are not your 1st degree contact will be available to you if they are the 1st degree contact of one of our other users.
  • It is safer than similar tools. When searching for a scraper, you may find unreliable tools, like browser extensions. They send signals to the LinkedIn server because their code is visible. And this means that the account from which you perform the parsing may face consequences. But in Linked Helper this is not possible because the scraper imitates your presence on the page.
  • You can download the widest array of data. Columns in the spreadsheet after conversion to Excel or Google Sheets will contain all the information specified in the LinkedIn account. This includes phone numbers, all the experience of study and work, and other data that can help you choose texts for pitches. Imagine how much effort it would take to collect this data on your own!

How does LinkedIn lead generation software work?

Everything is way simpler and cheaper than hiring someone!

To get started, download Linked Helper and log in to your account. You can connect several accounts (all your employees or assistants, which can even be purchased profiles). This will help you increase your lead reach several times over! Any of the LinkedIn packages can be integrated into the work through the software. 

Facilitate lead generation for technology companies:

  • Start a campaign. You can choose one of the ready-made templates that are visible when you select Create a new campaign in the menu. This is a set of typical actions developed by us that clients use for different needs. You do not have to think about what actions to add to the campaign, just specify the message texts for each stage.
  • Add an audience. The software has a Queue section which is your top of the funnel or audience. You can transfer users to the Queue from different sources in the social network – search, lists in Sales Navigator, or by a specific URL.
Add an audience to the queue
  • Click on “launch” and enjoy. After launch, you can watch how the robot enters each profile that you have added in turn. It will open the account by typing the name in a search rather than by opening a link (which is less secure). You can set any daily number of activities, but we advise you to keep within 200 activities per day for mature accounts. What kind of limits should I use?

LinkedIn marketing solutions vs. Drip automation campaigns 

LinkedIn offers more than one built-in marketing tool – for example, different types of paid advertising. It can be both ads in the feed and advertising messages that immediately reach leads in the PM. So what is the best choice in 2023? To answer this question, you must know something important about the buyer of IT services or products.

The truth is, in 2023 someone who is looking for a service provider researches many competitive offers on the social network, and they do not want to spend time filling out a form. Yes, LinkedIn offers ready-made, auto-filled forms in the form of advertisements. But the data they provide you may not be enough to understand your client well (as opposed to database scraping via Linked Helper). Learn How to run e-commerce drip campaigns through LinkedIn to convert 10X more.

When your client remains anonymous, this does not mean that they ignore everything on the social network. After all, they came to LinkedIn for this – to contact the right seller and buy. It means they need your service. What is important for a new type of buyer in the technology niche?

#1 Open and complete information about your business

Retrieving data after filling out a form might work. But try instead of luring people in this way, to become their friend right away. Offer them the information with a message after the invite so that they can then search for you. You can easily automate such friendly lead generation chains in Linked Helper.

#2 Collect social proof

People turn to LinkedIn research to find out what others say about you, what your employees are like, what their work experience is, and so on. So to build a tech company image, just pay attention to each employee profile and your organization page before you start outreach. We’ve put together 24 bio samples and business profile tips.

#3 Create an auto-funnel to collect testimonials 

This is the simplest thing you can do. Make a search for former and current clients, and employees and create a mailing list with a request to leave you a recommendation. You can also invite them to follow your organization’s profile. Even a few dozen reviews and comments will work better than zero.

We compared classic LinkedIn advertising and LinkedHelper lead generation in this article.

Spoiler: Drip campaign can bring you hundreds of leads for 10 times cheaper than an advertising campaign.

Best marketing strategy for technology companies 

LinkedIn marketing software really rocks

When the first software first appeared, you could hear bad reviews about such services. Many of them simply disappeared from the market. Linked Helper has gone from a Chrome extension to full-fledged SaaS software with a post-account client base, including marketers for IT companies.

Therefore, from the moment the first solutions appeared until today, such solutions have evolved into safe and functional smart services that there is no point in avoiding. 

At the very least, you won’t have to hire an assistant to:

  • Like your contacts and potential leads.
  • Get displayed in the feed by leaving comments in discussions.
  • Write to a thousand people at once.
  • Look for employees without an HR agent (read our case about hiring a copywriter).
  • Expand your network 7x faster (possibly exclusive to Linked Helper after bulk email invites were canceled in 2022).
  • Mine targeted emails without buying outdated or irrelevant databases. 
  • Store all data about leads from LinkedIn in personal cards in a CRM.

Create funnels for remarketing

This step is also easy to carry out when there is a tool at hand for communication through LinkedIn. Even though existing customers can communicate with you via email, you can constantly remind them of yourself on the social network. Your remarketing strategy can include LinkedIn engagement and bring in past customers over and over again to build loyalty.

Marketing for warm clients in technology companies may include:

#1 Make LinkedIn a clearing house

Despite the regular newsletter to your past customers, as the product develops, your relationship can be made stronger. For example, organizing an online session or an event on LinkedIn is very convenient. And it’s worth collecting a community from contacts (your past and current customers) to announce new products, enter new niches, collect feedback from them, and so on.

#2 Advice via messages

After clients become your 1st degree contacts, you will be able to write messages to them. This does not mean that you need to bombard them with texts. But you can plan a similar funnel for a follow up in advance. LinkedIn for network marketing: a follow-up strategy with an automated tool

Create a list with clients, think over the reasons for a reconnect, and create a mailing campaign in Linked Helper by setting the date (for example, 1-2 months from the conversion).

#3 Group Marketing

The LinkedIn community is a real and live platform where you can get new clients and keep in touch with the current ones. You can create a group under your brand or actively develop your name in interest groups in a niche. Having a lively community of customers, you can get value in the form of feedback, tips for improving the product, and public reviews that are important for potential clients researching your service.

Deliver value through content

Otherwise, why do it at all? In marketing strategy for 2023, a tech startup can win clients with this strength. Since you may notice that few of your competitors actually create truly engaging content. While top companies actively use the organization profile to showcase the behind-the-scenes of the company, it is the staff behind the impersonal technology who create a lively interest. After all, the decision to cooperate is often influenced by the human factor. So why not share news about the lives of your employees that no one will find in a whitepaper? This is what the world’s tech giants are doing, and it’s time for even small companies to take this approach.


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5 Technology company marketing tips to take away

Next, we’ll take a look at live examples from the top 5 of those companies and startups in 2023. All of these firms have a daily focus on using LinkedIn for marketing, which may help you capture ideas.

#1 Post about LinkedIn event example

This is a good example of how you can search for an audience and get in close contact with them through events. After all, your customers may be looking for a more open and personal dialogue and this is especially important for selling in the IT niche. Such online meetings will help educate the client, open up answers to their questions, and get them to agree to the deal.

Read more: LinkedIn webinar (event) promotion with an automated marketing tool

Technology company marketing post LinkedIn example

In the example, you can see that you can mention two events in one post. Also ask all employees to repost about the event to increase coverage. In the text of the post, immediately attach the links for registration. You can use a visual in such a post to capture the attention of the user in the feed – for example, a simple video or gif.

#2 Hashtags for multi-industries 

LinkedIn Digital Marketing for Technology Companies post example

Hashtags on LinkedIn will help you gather content under one topic in this gallery. For example, if your IT company runs multiple lines of business and you have hundreds of employees on LinkedIn, this can be extremely important. Because by creating tags for all industries and directions, you will help more people find you for a clear request. It is important that the tags are niche and relevant to the content of the post.

For example, customers who search for #sidewalkrobots can even subscribe to this tag. And in this way they will receive notifications of all your new posts. It is important to monitor the feed for competitor posts that also use this tag. You can figure out what will help you look superior and win a lead.

#3 Short videos, even from stock

Posts with short videos help the information to be better absorbed among the mass of text in the feed. As we can see, LinkedIn leaders and users use a lot of text in their posts, which can sometimes bore people as they scroll through the feed. On the other hand, even a simple and short video that you can make based on stock video will give you an advantage.

linkedin b2b marketing post example

As we see in the example, you can put the key quote in the video. Further, this video can lead to a case study with really valuable information that leads will be motivated to learn. In the Confluera example, the link from the post leads to the registration page, after which the leads can download the case study. With this step, you can get more signups and conversions.

#4 Mission through all creatives

linkedin marketing for technology comapy about example

Hiya is a great example of how a tech company uses a LinkedIn page to convey a mission statement starting with a headline. It is very important for the company to start a dialogue with the client through the broadcast of the mission, so do not miss it and use it in your texts.

You can use a short formula in the headline section and expand on the idea in the About section. Through the mission, you will convey the value of your services and how to implement it to customers.

Also in this profile you can find a great example of broadcasting a mission in advertising creatives. You don’t have to worry about banners and texts if you put your mission at the heart of them.

linkedin marketing for technology hiya ad example

The ad example reflects the problem that Hiya is helping to solve.

#5 Events & Live for content reuse

StreamYard is an example of how information technology companies using inbound marketing repurpose it. You might like hosting online events even more or start doing it if you haven’t tried it. The fact is that broadcasting an event can be great original content that you can use to attract even more customers. Such content is based on live communication with the audience and an expert from your company, which means it will arouse interest among potential leads.

linkedin marketing for technology QA example

For example, you can post the most interesting part of the video on your LinkedIn profile and other social networks, especially your YouTube channel. Also, the conversation script can be converted into an article for a blog or texts for posts on social networks. For example, you can create an article with answers to top questions for the Q&A live stream.

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About the author

  • Margarita Servar

    Margarita is a Content Manager and author at the Linked Helper blog, dedicated to providing practical and useful material. She conducts research and tests automation tools, drawing on practical experiences and interviews with LinkedIn marketing experts.

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